Friday, November 28, 2014


So, I've thought about this Thanksgiving and I realize how grateful I am to have family.  I really think this is the one time you have to put aside your resentment or whatever might be your hang up and sit down with family and enjoy the moment.  Yesterday I actually missed my Michigan family or should I say the Pedit's.  It seemed a little sad that they are going separate ways now that Mom Pedit isn't around.  I guess you don't have say or do much other than be together for this one day.  

I realized today that it was a blessing to be with the Nichols family because they have been a large part of my life since my childhood.  Who knew that I would feel this way.  Chelsea and Sione came by late in the evening to hide a large gift they bought for Lilly.  Something about being called "Uncle Mike" seems to melt my heart.  Of course I've ben drinking since 5:00, since this is my Friday with out my date.  Not sure how I will feel later, but I certainly wouldn't mind having a big Thanksgiving when my Sugar is here.  Anyway I am a little lonely and miss my loved ones. It was so nice to here Sugar and Sean yesterday.  Just a little teary and lonely tonight.

1 comment:

Sugar said...

Reading your post made me teary but I find myself tearing up at least once a day. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I am getting closer to being with you again.


 Finding myself feeling lonely and isolated. Family is a strange thing. My blood family no longer exists for me. I belong to a large family ...